Saturday, February 20, 2010

Stay Consistent

So I am realizing how hard it is to stay focus or should I say how easy it is to lose focus. I decided to look for some help. What I found was this: "You can create any future you want." here are some steps that will assist:
1. You will never leave where you are, until you decide where you would rather be.       Intolerance of your present creates your future.
2. The day you make the decision about your life is the day your world will change.
3. Move decisively towards the goals you have established.
"Create a Daily Agenda"
1. A daily agenda is a set of priorities you WILL accomplish. Exercise should be near the top lol!
2. Make your priorities a habit, a ritual.
3. Focus on your priorities to eliminate confusion. I have 4 to five thing I focus on daily: Belief, Body, Business, Job, Finances, and Family. At the end of the day, can you look in the mirror and honestly say that you "Did your BEST and forgot the rest...?"
"Document your Goals"
1. Just use to keep track of goals and progress.
2. Visualize the body you want! Cut out pictures of how you want to look or how you used to look.
3. Have a big why. Are you working out because of family history of HBP, want a 6-pack, or getting ready for class reunion.

Here's a little more to help you stay in the game. Just stay consistent. Pick the same time everyday and start low if you have to 10min, then 20min, then , 30 min and so on...

--Turn off the TV for bout' an hour and do something that gives you power.

It's 90% Mental, All in your head!!!

Daily, be aware of mind frik! I got that from a guy name T.Havr Eker; Mind frik is that little voice in your head that says things like: "I will start my work outs tomorrow.", It's to early to work out, so I'll workout when I get home from work." "I'm so freaking tired, people were getting on my nerves all day! I just want to grab something quick to eat (Buger King lol),  relax on my couch for 1 hour and then workout." etc. etc. etc. You know what you tell yourself when its time for the rubber (or shoud I say blubber) to meet the road!!!
The hardest part of a workout is STARTING it!!! Have you notice that once you go to gym, put the dvd in, or once you're at the track, most of the time you go ahead and BRING IT! You may not give it your all or you may (you should always do YOUR best and forget the rest) but at least you are doing something and thats better than zero. There's a quote I live by, "You're either growing or dying, but you are never staying then same." Doing nothing equals a negative change daily in your body. You may not have a heart attack that day but please believe that, that simple error in judgement compounded over a long period of time equals a heart attack or something similar!!! Now if you work out that one day, you don't immediately have a six pack the next day (unless you go buy one) But that simple discipline compounded daily over a long period of time (90 days or more) will definitely provide results and depending on where you were, you may see your abs :-)

So you see, it's all mental! If its raining outside, workout inside. If you're tired of working out in your home change it up, take you laptop or portable dvd player to the park on a pretty day and Work It Out!!! I know you can do it. Create daily habits, your body will eventually expect to work out when you wake up or get off work or whenever you choose. Just keep pushing play, everyday! MAKE TIME. One secret to making time is to cut the TV OFF! Talk to you next week...
King Tovoris

Brain Power

Hello Beachbody! I hope all of you coaches and members have been consistent and focused since my last blog!!! One of the things I’ve noticed about myself over the last month is that having an accountability partner is fantastic! It’s great to have somebody there to encourage you as well as kick your osh’ when needed. Unless you are really strong mentally or haven’t created your daily ritual of working out consistently, it can really be tough getting started.

If you can’t find anybody worthy enough of holding you accountable and you doing the same for them, I highly recommend that you look in the mirror at night after you’ve showered and are about to brush your teeth (you do that, right?), ask yourself a few questions:

Did I do everything I wanted to accomplish today?
In what I did today, are those tasks or lack thereof helping me reach my goals?
Did I make good food choices?

One of my other things I like to do is visualize the body of health I want. If you can’t see it in your head then it won’t happen in the physical world.

I hope this tidbit helps you. Remember my saying: “Cut off the TV for bout’ an hour, DO something instead that will give you power…” Tovoris A. King

Educate Your Expectations

Educate Your Expectations

Think back to when you first started you career… fresh out of high school, college, military, etc. Did you master your job on the first day? As I remember my experience, I was nervous, scared to answer the phone, I felt like people were looking at me funny, and I made lots of mistakes; but luckily not bad enough to lose my job! So now my question is why do you think losing weight, gaining muscle, toning up, or whatever your goals are will happen overnight?

You have to educate your expectations! I got this term from a lady named Artemis whom won the EAS Body for Life competition some time ago. One of the things I learned from her is that just because I couldn’t do some of the “Yoga X” moves the first time, doesn’t mean I quit and say that I can’t do it. Sometimes the process is more important than actually winning. You build character, determination, and learn how much you can handle when you focus. For example: does it matter how long it takes a baby to learn to walk? Whether its 9 months or over a year, the baby never stops the process of learning to walk. It doesn’t know any better or how to quit; and after many stumbles and falls, he/she finally wobbles across the room and is as excited and happy as can be J For some reason, we adults lose that sticktoitness (it’s a word, look it up lol) Well, I said all of that to say this: Don’t give up!!! Keep pushing play, staying on schedule, not skipping certain workouts because you feel it’s too hard and you’ll never learn. Keep tumbling, falling until one day you’re strong enough to take your first walk across the room.

“Cut off the TV for bout’ an hour, DO something instead that will give you power…” Tovoris A. King