Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's 90% Mental, All in your head!!!

Daily, be aware of mind frik! I got that from a guy name T.Havr Eker; Mind frik is that little voice in your head that says things like: "I will start my work outs tomorrow.", It's to early to work out, so I'll workout when I get home from work." "I'm so freaking tired, people were getting on my nerves all day! I just want to grab something quick to eat (Buger King lol),  relax on my couch for 1 hour and then workout." etc. etc. etc. You know what you tell yourself when its time for the rubber (or shoud I say blubber) to meet the road!!!
The hardest part of a workout is STARTING it!!! Have you notice that once you go to gym, put the dvd in, or once you're at the track, most of the time you go ahead and BRING IT! You may not give it your all or you may (you should always do YOUR best and forget the rest) but at least you are doing something and thats better than zero. There's a quote I live by, "You're either growing or dying, but you are never staying then same." Doing nothing equals a negative change daily in your body. You may not have a heart attack that day but please believe that, that simple error in judgement compounded over a long period of time equals a heart attack or something similar!!! Now if you work out that one day, you don't immediately have a six pack the next day (unless you go buy one) But that simple discipline compounded daily over a long period of time (90 days or more) will definitely provide results and depending on where you were, you may see your abs :-)

So you see, it's all mental! If its raining outside, workout inside. If you're tired of working out in your home change it up, take you laptop or portable dvd player to the park on a pretty day and Work It Out!!! I know you can do it. Create daily habits, your body will eventually expect to work out when you wake up or get off work or whenever you choose. Just keep pushing play, everyday! MAKE TIME. One secret to making time is to cut the TV OFF! Talk to you next week...
King Tovoris

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